Added by Connor Friesen
We started the S Institue to set an example in social entrepreneurship with a vision to tackle some of the biggest challenges that the Slovenian economy and its highly capitalistic society are facing today. Thus a group of young enthusiasts designed a project aimed at helping young people from underprivileged surroundings. We will give them a chance to overcome obstacles arising from their life situation by means of hard work and learning in order to reach their personal as well as career goals and have great fun along the way. We named our project The S project.
Lots of positive energy and endless enthusiasm is what got people at the Jamie Oliver Fundation interested and ready to get involved. They support our project and offer precious advice to our team. We started to post a blog on their Internet page
S project is an innovative social entrepreneurship project designed for vulnerable youngsters between the ages of 18 and 25 who did not finish their education or are unable to find a suitable employment and are therefore faced with the possibility of unemployment and social exclusion. All of which is usually the consequence of their unfavourable life situation. The S project is therefore an initiative to create new opportunities for young people through new and innovative ideas and knowledge. We strive to create an unique and creative environment for these youngsters with the help of outstanding young individuals in our society. Our motto is: »The young for the young!«
The objective of our project is to educate and empower underprivileged young people by engaging them in a six months training program. Our goal is to transform them into independent and highly motivated individuals, help them find employment and finally to encourage and promote the idea of social entrepreneurship by setting a good example. We wish to find new and creative solutions to existing social problems.