Green Hill is one of largest factory farm for beagle dogs to be used for research and experiments in laboratories all around Europe. It is located in Montichiari (Brescia) and is part of the U.S. Marshall Farms Inc, one of the most active breeder of dogs to be used in laboratory in the world. Thanks to the complaint of two Italian NGOs, Legambiente and Lav, Green Hill has been sequestrated. A the moment, Legambiente is entrusting 2600 dogs, especially puppies, to many Italian families and so far almost 900 beagles have already found a home.
But the work has just begun. Some puppies need urgent veterinary care before being assigned. To help families to welcome their new friends we have mobilized a group of educators with the task of guiding and assisting them. To welcome the foster families we have organized a real village, so called 'Freedom Village', where almost eighty volunteers are taking care of the animals and giving the families the first instructions. In the coming months, a team of volunteers will travel the country to check the beagles' health and if they are treated as they deserve.
In the meantime, the legal trial goes on, and we must not forget that Green Hill is owned by an international corporation...
Legal fees, veterinary care, stay of volunteers, gasoline, thousands of phone calls: we need your help to keep doing all this!
Please donate to:
Account Number: IBAN IT79 P050 1803 2000 0000 0511 440
Holder: Legambiente Onlus
Reason for payment: "SOS Green Hill"