Mappiness is a free app for your iPhone.
It's part of a research project at the London School of Economics.
We'd love to have you on board!
how does it work?
You get mappiness from the App Store, open it, and sign up.
We beep you once (or more) a day to ask how you're feeling, and a few basic things to control for: who you're with, where you are, what you're doing (if you're outdoors, you can also take a photo).
The data gets sent back ? anonymously and securely ? to our data store, along with your approximate location from the iPhone's GPS, and a noise-level measure.
What's in it for you?
Interesting information about your own happiness, which you can download or see charted inside the app ? including when, where and with whom you're happiest.
The warm glow of helping increase the sum of human knowledge.
What's in it for us?
We're particularly interested in how people's happiness is affected by their local environment ? air pollution, noise, green spaces, and so on ? which the data from mappiness will be absolutely great for investigating.
We hope to have results published in academic journals and elsewhere ? whatever we produce will be linked from here.