Providers of frontline services in the south-west describe the effect public sector cuts are having on their users.

Kate Belgrave    

Lorraine Russell, foodbank manager, Poole

"Before, the primary reason [for needing food parcels] was benefit cuts, or delays, but now that's been overtaken by people on low incomes. We used to get very few low-income people.

In the last six to nine months, things have got worse financially and people have to pay more for their rent, or their mortgage has gone up, so they have to keep a roof over their heads and there's not enough money for a lot of people to buy food for their family. People on low incomes are finding it very hard to make ends meet.

A family came in the other week: he's been out of work for ages and he's just got a job, but he's not going to be paid for a month and his benefits will be stopped, and he's got a month before he can start paying the bills again, so we're very happy to give them a lovely big box of food and send them on their way.

People do want to work. I had a guy come in, he was working in Southampton, but living on the streets, so he's living off the streets and going to work. That job came to an end. He had to come back to Poole, he had nothing. So, I had to find him tins with ringpulls, because he had no cutlery. He had nowhere to cook, so he was going to be eating out of a tin until he could find somewhere to live. And this was a young guy who wants to work. That's the tragedy."

Miriam James, housing officer for a local housing association

"The majority of people come to us now because of the cuts in housing benefit, because of the cuts in ESA [employment and support allowance], and it's just all a big domino effect.

Demand is going up massively. Creditors are being more harsh with what they'll accept as payments for debts. Before, you used to be able to liaise with [creditors] and come to some agreement. Now, the agreements are on their terms. There are people who can't pay ? they had an agreement with that creditor to pay off that debt at that amount, but now they can't afford it, because he's lost his job, or she's lost her job. You go back to the creditors and they say: 'Nope, that's what the agreement was.' They have to find the money from somewhere.

The people who were already struggling are now getting to the end of their tether."

Angela Barnes, Soul Food outreach worker, Weymouth

"[Sometimes] the guys [men who come to Soul Food wanting help to find accommodation] come to me and say: 'Oh Ange, we're not getting our benefit. We need to phone the council to see if we can get on their list.' I say: 'OK, phone them up, then. It's very simple, you just pick the phone up and make a phone call.' [They say:] 'Oh, can you do it for me?' That's when I found out that it's not just a case of picking up the phone and making a phone call.

The problem might be alcoholism. It might be drug addiction. It might be mental health.

I need more landlords. I really do. I know the issues that they [landlords] have - [they worry] that [because] the guys aren't paying out of their own pockets, there is a danger they won't look after the place properly. If they've got addictions, or mental health problems, that just increases the burden."

- Some names have been changed. More dispatches from people on the frontline of austerity Britain at and Twitter @hangbitch or @falseecon

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