Innovative Financing for access to energya discussion led by the Global Partnership on Output -Based Aida global program administered by the World Bank 9.30 AM Registration Welcome Giovanni Azzone, Rettore- Politecnico di Milano
The EnergyLab Foundation and the laboratoriesSilvio Bosetti, Direttore Generale- EnergyLab Foundation
10.15 AM
Facing Access to Energy: a process prespectiveEmanuela Colombo, Delegato del Rettore per la Cooperazione e lo Sviluppo, Politecnico di Milano
Global Partnership on Output Based Aid: Design of a project and impact evaluationCarmen Nonay, Program Manager - GPOBA
Case Study:- Natural Gas in Colombia: Connecting Poor Households
- Elettrification of Rural Ethiopia
Luisa M. Mimmi, M&E experts GPOBA, The world Bank Group
12.30 PM Break
1.30 PM Q&A time: a possibility for the people involved
3.00 PM Final RemarksEmanuela Colombo